Barony of the Westermark


Baron Sean Tracy and Baroness Cholmon of The Barony of the Westermark
Baron Sean Tracy and Baroness Cholmon of The Barony of the Westermark

Welcome to the current middle ages. We are the Barony of Westermark, a small group located (mundanely) in San Mateo and Alameda counties, California. We are part of the Principality of the Mists, which includes the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Beyond the principality, we are part of the Kingdom of the West, which includes Northern California, Nevada, Alaska, Japan, Korea and the Pacific Rim.. The West is one kingdom out of twenty within the Society for Creative Anachronism - or the SCA.

The SCA is dedicated to researching and recreating the Middle Ages in the present. Our definition of the middle ages includes society prior to the 1600s, this is purposefully a very broad definition. In the SCA you can do almost anything, activities range from weapons fighting to performing arts and crafts of all styles.


Please visit us on the Westermark Facebook page for current events

Business meeting information